Sunday 24 November 2013

Stressing Due to Procrastination

Oh boy, now I've done it. The idea of doing working in small chunks far before the due date of any assignment; it sounds so wonderful. But alas, here I am, stuck in my room whittling away at my essay. An essay due two nights ago at that, or wait... was it three? My mind filled with haze as I plunge deeper into the paper; deeper into my mind. I sound like any other first year student, a little taste of freedom and you lose sight of your initial goals. "Oh you're putting all the lectures online? See you at the finals." Forgot my pencil for class, immediately leave the room. I feel like nothing more than a walking lazy college student meme, the memes that made me chuckle as a high schooler fantasizing about the opportunities which laid before me after graduation. Even as I type away, my unfinished essay haunts me. It calls me to complete it so it may be whole, but my mind initiative bar is just drained. I think I'm going to go eat a pizza slice now.

Take it easy,
Joey C

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