Wednesday 27 November 2013

Kudos to Halc for the track. Find him on soundcloud;

Late Night Dwellings

I rest upon the same bean bag chair and peer into my lit laptop screen. A myriad of colorful lights illuminating my room; but only a portion. The question "How shall I occupy myself tonight?" enters my mind. Anime, video games, movies? Maybe I'll just spend the night on Reddit again. All activities in an never ending cycle. It really grows dull of it; not to say I hate. Quite the contrary I love it all, but life is about moderation. That is the key to everything as a good friend of mine would say. Every so often company fills my abode, changing the atmosphere; the content is the same. Smiles fill the room.

Damn I feel mad cheesy spewing my thoughts out. Gg no re

Take it easy,
Joey C

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Wonderful alternative mix for the dancing snow.
Puffin' and thinkin'


As the sky turns gray, and the days shorter. The wind carries a frigid chill with it. Truly marking the end of autumn. It is only fitting to have such dull weather during this time of the semester, it will soon reflect the many mindless faces roaming the campus dreading the ever approaching judgement day; exam day. I still have no real sense of my exam schedule and continue to tell myself I will peer at it and set my time accordingly; this procrastination haunts me. I feel some sort of achievement for finishing my essay the other day (main reason why I wasn't able to post) and had a sigh of relief when was informed certain late work was still eligible to hand in, but like my other feelings of relief, it was shortly lived when the sudden realization that I had more assignments to complete with my fall semester winding down to a close. The words "I'm fucked' echoed through my mind.

Take it easy.
Joey C

Sunday 24 November 2013

Stressing Due to Procrastination

Oh boy, now I've done it. The idea of doing working in small chunks far before the due date of any assignment; it sounds so wonderful. But alas, here I am, stuck in my room whittling away at my essay. An essay due two nights ago at that, or wait... was it three? My mind filled with haze as I plunge deeper into the paper; deeper into my mind. I sound like any other first year student, a little taste of freedom and you lose sight of your initial goals. "Oh you're putting all the lectures online? See you at the finals." Forgot my pencil for class, immediately leave the room. I feel like nothing more than a walking lazy college student meme, the memes that made me chuckle as a high schooler fantasizing about the opportunities which laid before me after graduation. Even as I type away, my unfinished essay haunts me. It calls me to complete it so it may be whole, but my mind initiative bar is just drained. I think I'm going to go eat a pizza slice now.

Take it easy,
Joey C